Press Reviews
Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement
We need more warriors like Carrie using the law to help take down sexual predators and the institutions that protect them
- Esquire, Best Books of Summer 2019
In the age of doxxing, revenge porn, and misogynist trolls, this book is required reading. . . . In telling these wrenching stories, Goldberg gives voice to the legions who have experienced unthinkable violence
- Publishers Weekly
This is an illuminating and significant window into the present state of victims' rights and a potentially powerful resource for readers dealing with abuse or harassment
Nancy Jo Sales, author of New York Times bestseller American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Life of Teenagers and director of HBO’s Swiped: Hooking up in the Digital Age
Thoroughly researched and with shocking anecdotes from Carrie and her clients, Nobody's Victim is an indispensable work for anyone who wants to understand how we got here and, more importantly, what we need to do to fight back. Part memoir and part manifesto, Nobody's Victim is thoughtful, urgent and impossible to put down
Jeff Kosseff, author, The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet
Nobody's Victim provides the raw honesty that we desperately need as we examine how the Internet age has upended everyday life. Only Carrie Goldberg could tell this powerful, compelling, and lucid story, which gives voice to so many people who have experienced unimaginable harms. As policymakers debate how to make the Internet--and the world--a safer place, I hope that Nobody's Victim will be at the top of their reading list
Audrey Gelman, CEO and Co-Founder of The Wing
Carrie Goldberg is a warrior against trolls and misogynists, as she bravely details in Nobody's Victim. The experiences of Carrie's clients may boil your blood--but beneath these known statistics is the reality that most harassment remains unseen, unreported, and legal. Nobody's Victim is a call to arms against abusers, and a reminder that survivors of gendered violence are not alone in their fight
Margaret Talbot
New YorkerA timely, necessary and uniquely authoritative book about the modern-day scourges of on-line harassment, stalking, sextortion, and non-consensual porn - and how to fight them. Goldberg's book is also a strikingly honest memoir and a riveting read. The stories she tells illuminate real horrors, as well as real bravery - her own and that of the people she represents
Jane Mulkerrins
The TimesCompelling and terrifying stories of assaults both physical and psychological . . . She believes that the MeToo movement has brought about a significant shift for victims of sexual assault and harassment
Tauriq Moosa
GuardianAfter grappling with a 'psycho ex' of her own, lawyer Carrie Goldberg takes a stand for victims of online harassment, deepfakes and revenge porn
B. Cartmell
Huck MagazineCarrie Goldberg turned litigation into an act of protest. The formidable US lawyer has helped countless women in the fight against gendered violence, online stalking and revenge porn
Kate Bolick
New York TimesIn her memoir doubling as a rallying cry for privacy justice Nobody's Victim Goldberg admits that as with many people who have endured sexual harassment, it took time to tell her story in full, which she does now in chilling detail . . . Goldberg builds a convincing case that sexual privacy is a right that should be protected by federal law, much in the way that our personal, financial and medical information already is. If anyone can make that happen, it is she . . . Goldberg chronicles her battle for justice in a tone that is both take-no-prisoners and warmly gregarious . . . The cases she narrates are gut-wrenching, and her conversational approach lightens what could otherwise be an unbearably heavy load. It also makes accessible the complicated legal history leading to our current moment.